
What People Are Saying


“After my second child was born my husband left us in a really bad condition, forty square metre apartment. As a single mum of two young kids after my maternity leave I needed to go back to work but wasn’t sure where. Maria Baker CO of Sustainable Property Development helped me get out of the Black Hile from which I saw no way out. With a minimal budget from the government I was able to feed my children and when my baby was just 3 months old I started to work from home for Maria.”

— Elena


“One day on site a man turned up looking for work. He said he came from his country with his family and didn’t have anything to feed the little children. 

He was desperate. All he said was true they’d found an abandoned house in the woods where nobody could find them and that I was welcome to have a look at their bad conditions. When I was walking through the woods I saw a little white house and a big family with really bad conditions. As I sneaked in the house they had five mattresses laid in the door for the nine of them, It didn’t seem realistic. 

When I got home I told my children to be grateful and as a kind action we were going to go and take them a toy each they thought they would like.”

— Fran

“Single dad of two young children with a minimal budget said how much his life had changed and improved with the eco house design into a flat. 

It had all negative impacts, the walls were full of humidity and cold air in the winter came through the door and windows. The smallest child was just two and had special needs and was allergic to everything humidity, pollen, dust. 

The positive impacts that the eco house design had was that it stopped most of the kid’s reactions by avoiding chemical products, material that don't need to produce a better home. 

The design was done with super salted walls that changed the child's life completely, being able to live comfortably. Using natural material for the interior design helped a lot too with the child's allergies, it also helped the family sleep.”

— Solomon